We recycle
your electronics

Transform your electronics into a step towards a greener future. In a safe and responsible way a new life. Together, we are making great strides for a more sustainable world.

About us

At the heart of ArCoRec beats a commitment to sustainability and innovation in electronics recycling. With years of expertise, we are a leader in providing advanced and responsible recycling solutions. Our methods focus not only on reusing materials but also ensuring the highest environmental standards. With us, every discarded electronic device receives a carefully chosen path to reuse, striving for minimal environmental impact and maximum recovery of valuable resources.

What we do

ArCoRec is more than just a recycling company; we are a crucial link in the chain of sustainability. Our services focus on the complete and responsible recycling of electronics, with attention to environmental conservation, data security and reuse of materials.


Every step in our recycling process is designed with sustainability in mind. We go beyond standard recycling practices by focusing on reducing carbon emissions and minimizing waste. Our methods are energy efficient and strive to have the least possible impact on the environment.

Data destruction

In the digital age, data security is crucial. ArCoRec understands this and therefore guarantees complete destruction of all data on the electronic devices we process. With advanced destruction techniques and strict protocols, we ensure that your sensitive information never falls into the wrong hands. Your privacy and security are paramount to us.


Reuse is a key component in our vision of recycling. At ArCoRec, we work hard to extract and repurpose as many materials as possible from discarded electronics. From metals and plastics to rare elements, every reclaimed material gets a new life in new products.

Sustainability is
in our DNA

At ArCoRec, sustainability is the backbone of all our operations. Our deep-rooted mission is to promote a circular economy, recycling and reusing every electronic device. We dream of a world where technological waste transforms into new resources, extending the life cycle of products and minimizing the impact on our planet.

Innovation in recycling methods and education about the importance of responsible disposal are central to our efforts. By partnering with businesses, governments and consumers, we work to increase our impact and lead the way to a greener future.

Get in touch

If you have questions, ideas or are curious about our services, our specialists will contact you as soon as possible.